Publisher Tools

Unread Page is backed by Macro Tech Titan, Ad Agency, DevOps tech firm with decades of experience.
What we can do to help you:
- KDP support
- Publishing
- Book Marketing
- Distribution
- Technical Support
- Email lists of Bookstores, Book shows, Podcasters, Book Clubs, and more
Publisher Tools takes the pain out of formatting books for self-publishers.
Let typeset and format your books for you, so you can concentrate on writing.
We create files for KDP and other print-on-demand services, and Kindle and other e-book files too.
Resize all images in Word Article
Macro code
If your images are inserted “in line with text”:
Dim i As Long With ActiveDocument For i = 1 To .InlineShapes.Count With .InlineShapes(i) .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue 'set either the width or the height and delete the line you don't need .Width = CentimetersToPoints(5) .Height = CentimetersToPoints(5) End With Next i End With